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A New Approach to Iqbal, by Mohammad Hasan

A New Approach To Iqbal By Dr Muhammad Hasan

Mohammad Hasan, A New Approach to Iqbal,  New Delhi, Ministry of Information, and Broadcasting, Publications division, 1987.

Iqbal was the ” Nightingale” of the garden of his motherland, India. His poetry reflects various moods of his times. The book apart from presenting a biographical sketch of this great poet, traces his evolution and analyses his thought and poetic craft. The author has profusely quoted Iqbal’s verses in analysing the poetry of Iqbal. From a study of the book Iqbal emerges as a harbinger of Asian resurgence and as an architect of new cosmic consciousness. The author Mohammed Hasan is Professor of Urdu in Jawaharlal Nehru University. His has authored more than 50 books on history, literary criticism and plays.



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RB (4 septembre 2015). A New Approach to Iqbal, by Mohammad Hasan. Iqbal إقبال. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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