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Mutual Othering: Islam, Modernity, and the Politics of Cross-Cultural, by Ahmed Idrissi Alami

Ahmed Idrissi Alami, Mutual Othering: Islam, Modernity, and the Politics of Cross-Cultural,

Explores interactions between Europeans and Moroccans on both sides of the straits in the latter half of the nineteenth century.

For the first time, readings of Moroccan travel writing in Arabic are juxtaposed with French and British writing about Morocco in a critical exploration of nineteenth-century concepts of modernity. Ahmed Idrissi Alami investigates the complex dynamics concerning colonial expansion, military conflict, and societal values. Mutual Othering sets out to rethink generally accepted concepts of European modernity by critically examining its production and contestation within a subaltern context in which the native other—in this case, religious scholars or imams accompanying political missions to Paris and London—presents aspects of European culture to elite members of the Moroccan imperial court. This work also connects the arguments of these texts to the rethinking of tradition and modernity, the rhetoric of reform, democracy and the Arab state, and the compatibility of Islam with the West and secular values in the post-9/11 world. The inclusion of citations in the original French and Arabic, alongside English translations, allows a range of readers to enjoy this critical addition to the fields of literature, travel writing, North African studies, history, international relations, and philosophy, as well as cultural and religious studies.

Ahmed Idrissi Alami is Assistant Professor of Arabic and Comparative Studies at Purdue University.


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RB (12 août 2017). Mutual Othering: Islam, Modernity, and the Politics of Cross-Cultural, by Ahmed Idrissi Alami. Iqbal إقبال. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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